Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Congo (163) Luebo, Congo 8/21/1927 [DCS]


August 21, 1927

Dear Mother and Daddy:

You cannot know how glad I was to get that picture. It's simply splendid. It's so natural, I almost felt like kissing you. My, but it made me homesick! How much I would give to be home this winter. It just seemed that I just didn't get any winter when I was home, for I had to stay shut up in the house a lot with Max. When I went in the car, I had to sit so rigid for fear Max would cry. Now Max would have just as much fun as I. He is so full of life and such a pleasure to us. I don't say much about him except that he is either sick or well, and you don't know him as you could if I would write more about him. I am really afraid to write much for fear you will be disappointed in him when he does get home. Then, of course, he seems almost perfect to me. I am afraid to tell you what the people on the station say for fear you will think me conceited. Mr. Longenecker told B.M. yesterday that Max was a handsome fellow, & Mr. Craig had told me several times that he is the best child on the station. I consider this last a pretty good compliment, for Mr. Craig is quite a child critic being an old bachelor. Max gets a lot of attention, too much for his good, and I am so afraid it will go to his head. The trip home is going to be bad for him, for one can't discipline properly in traveling. So I can't tell how he will be when we get home. I want to say just here that certain feelings I have had about (other grandchildren) are absolutely finished. I was crossways with the whole world in those days.

I have a tailor working for me. We are making underclothes for Max. We also made three pair overalls for him yesterday. I think I shall get my underclothes made up now also.

I did not know there was anyone living at the Sam McKee place or had been for years. Is Kate still living in Camden? How is Cassie and family and where are they living?

The Hobsons are at the Kampungi place for a vacation. Excuse this--Max came asking for a pencil to write to Grandmama. It's one of his great ambitions to write you a letter. While we were at the lake, B.M. hunted a lot. Max got the craze and every once in a while, he comes in bringing a piece of wood or something telling me he has killed a monkey. He brought something the other day that reminded me of a log that I used to carry around as my baby. Do you remember it? Daddy got it and put it on the fire one day and nearly broke my heart. I'm sure he didn't do it on purpose.

We are so glad to get the clipping about John F. and Minnie. Do you know where they went?

Lucille has written and asked me to stay with her while Mr. Wilds is at church. She isn't well, so Max and I are going over.

Lots of love,


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