Monday, January 4, 2010

Congo (141) Luebo, Congo 4/12/1926 [DCS]

Luebo, ApriI 12, 1926

Dearest homefolks:

I'm just back from the lake at Bulape. This time Mrs. Savels and I, with her two children, and Max went with Dr. Stixrud in his car. He had to go for the birth of a baby, and so we went and stayed until he came back. It was only a week and I was good and ready to come home then. I had said I was not going away from Luebo for a long time, but Mrs. Savels has been in such bad health for a long time and Mr. Savels did not want to go with her so I went. She is very different from the other Mrs. Savels and I don't like her near as well but she is having a hard time and I feel sorry for her. We have a month's vacation a year now so I hope to take another week or two with B. M. sometime. We have

discovered another beautiful lake, just as pretty as the Bulape lake, only two hours from here on wheels and an hour on a motor-cycle. A crowd of ten of us went out there last Sat. and took our lunch and spent the day. Some went on wheels and some on motorcycles. I went behind Elex Shive and B. M. tied his wheel on behind Kemp and Rowena -motorcycle. We are taking our meals with the Hobsons at present for my cook has not yet returned from Bulape. We had supper at the Shives and believe me we had a time--club sandwiches, potato salad, popcorn, raspberries, and cocoa. Dorothy Anderson is here from Lubondi, so that made seven of us, and we certainly did have fun. Dorothy is expecting another baby and is in bad health; she has come here for a rest, and is staying with Jean.

The little baby that Dr. Stixrud went to Bulape to deliver, Mrs. DeLands, was born dead. It was buried in the Wharton's grave yard and I went to the funeral. Martha stayed at the lake with the children.

We got the nicest box from Beaumont just before I left for the lake, things for each one of us, and the box was valued ten dollars. Twas only a small box, but packed beautifully. I also got a letter in the last mail from the people in Florida who got up that baby outfit for me and I hope to write them soon. They want to do something for me and I never know how to answer them. I think I shall write them to get some toys for the children so you won't have to bother with that.

The Lapsley is leaving today and is expecting to be gone two months, as they have to have some repair work done at the Pool. The Watt-McKay wedding is put off indefinitely. B. M. is to attend the ad-interim meeting at Mutoto and I am to be left alone. I think Rowena is going to spend most every night with me. I don't believe I would be afraid. but I would get mighty lonesome.

Max is so cute and is saying lots of new words lately. I fear pictures are being stolen, for I have seen no good pictures from you of Max. I think we will send the next negatives to Nettie and have her send them to Fox Co. and then get them to you someway other than through Kiam. You know if they wanted to hurt us they could do it in that way, and they are bound to know it. Good negatives are too hard to get and too much trouble to risk such dirty work. Your letters come through, I am sure. Did you write a letter at the same time that you sent those pictures. ?

B. M. wants to use his machine. so I will close. Love to you all.


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