Thursday, January 14, 2010

Congo (151) Luebo, Congo 8/16/1926 [DCS]


Sun. Aug. 16, 1926

Dearest Mother and Daddy:

It's likely by the time this reaches you Aunt Nennie will be with you again so of course she is included when I write to homefolks.

I have been waiting to write as the plane came in yesterday and I have been expecting a letter from you every minute but the mail closes at noon so I must at least begin your letter.

Max has been standing by me as I write. He has in the last few days learned to call you grandmama with the same pronunciation on the mama as when Joe used to use it for Aunt Hon. I have told him that I am writing to you and he points to me and says mama and then to the paper and says grandmama. I am longing for the time when he shall know you are more than a piece of paper. He has had measles as I believe B. M. wrote you, while Dr. Stix said it was only a very light case, it was enough to bring him down considerably, but I weighed him yesterday and he has gained it all back with a little on top. He weighs very nearly 27 1/2 and his mother weighs 91 1/2. I am feeling fine, though, and as long as I feel well I do not worry. I believe about 89 must be my normal weight for Congo.

August, as you know, is a very eventful month with us. The station celebrated our wedding anniversary by bringing over supper on the evening of the third as a surprise to us. It was certainly a grand supper and delightful affair. Everyone seemed to have a good time. After eating we played and sang and then a few tricks from different people. The music wasn't much as I guess I told you that Miss Edwards could not fix the piano and I seldom try to play only to practice a little. The notes are so badly off that I can't tell if I am hitting the right note or not.

Rowena is to have a party for Max on his birthday down at her house.

I wonder if you and Daddy painted the house. That seems like a mighty big job for you two to attempt. How is Daddy? I do hope he will take care of himself this next winter. It's so hard for him to realize that he can't do the things he used to. Does he still go to Camden and Moscow?

I am interested in Camp Ruby. There are so many people there. Have they any kind of religious services and is it likely they will be out there long? The Indians must have lost a lot on cars. It's good that they can stay at home and don't have far to go to work. I am anxious to see more Louisiana Indians come in as that would likely stop some of your troubles among the boys and girls which certainly is a terrible one.

The ladies are having a tennis court of their own made out in front of our house just across the path and I am hoping to play more. I feel that tennis is a little too hard for me to play all the time but I am going to playa good deal.

We expect the Lapsley in about two weeks so the next time I write I hope to be able to tell you how everything fits.

I am trying to get a letter off to Aunt Lutie in this mail. I have put off answering her letter so long. I am telling her that if we can't get a boat straight from Europe to Galveston we are going to go by St. Louis to Lexington for a few days. I got to thinking the other day and I am anxious to visit Lexington and see my old acquaintances there. We have heard something about a route from Europe to Galveston and if we could make any kind of connections that way and if you all could come to Galveston to meet us, it would mean a lot to us. It's a mighty long time ahead to plan but we have stayed almost half our time already.

B. M. has been appointed to go to Mission Meeting at Bulape in Oct. and I may go with him, but have not decided yet.

Must close with lots of love,


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