Friday, January 1, 2010

Congo (137) Luebo, Congo 1/22/1926 [DCS]


Jan. 22, 1926

Dearest homefolks:

I was just so sorry not to get a, letter off to you in last mail for I promised myself never to let a mail pass without writing to you, but you see the air plane left before we expected it to and yours was not the only one left behind. I was writing you when I heard the plane pass over. I waited until I got your letter to write. I'll not do that any more. We shall get each others letters a little more often now as the Belgium steamers are not taking so long to make the trip. B. M. will write you the schedule.

Jan. 23. Later. The other plane has come again so I must hurry and get my letter to you finished. Everything is so upset. They are roofing the house and it's taking them so long. Just flooded us the other afternoon and the dining room stood one inch in water--all my linens in the cupboard got wet. Cisuaka has been sick for about 2 weeks and with such a crowd around we have to watch things like a hawk. I have also had a window seat made in the front room. All these things are for our good, but they certainly are hard to stand during the process. I thought I had my bedroom fixed to stay last Sun; but on Mon. when they started hammering on the roof, everything was ruined again. I'll just have to have patience, but it's mighty hard when natives are so slow. Otherwise, I am happier than I have been for a long time, because my things are here, my curtains made and that's the reason I am so impatient for everything is ready to put up.

Max is well and such a pleasure to us. He says a lot of little words now. He is out of dresses, or rather I have put him in rompers. The ones I cut out at Lusambo are almost too small for him already, but I have plenty of material to make more. Hope the ones you send will be large enough. Please send him some sox through the mail as he is nearly out. All you can do is to send two or three sizes, for I can get rid of them out here if they don't fit. He has a rather large foot for his age, I think. I should also like to have about 6 of those little shirts like Hickman and I wore when we were little with the two rows of buttons on which to fasten the drawers. I don't think we ever wore any other kind until we were big children. I should like to have a pair of white and one of black silk stockings for myself. I guess you think this letter is only written to beg, but these things I could not easily bring with me. They can be gotten at any store in Livingston and mailed to me from there. If you do not easily find those shirts, I can make something to do out here. The sox are the main thing. Please put in each box you send a few cheap small toys for I was very much ashamed of not having a present for each child on the station at Xmas time. Most everyone sent Max something. And I want to have a tree for Max next Christmas. We brought some right nice things coming out but at the places we looked they were rather expensive--several dollars apiece. I would order everything from Montgomery Ward but there are absolutely no cute

toys in the catalog they send us. These things are not for Max, so please feel free to send a bill. Packages seem to be coming through all right, but we have to give them time.

Mrs. Savels is sick in bed and I have been going down each morning to bathe the baby. Dr. Stix says it's because she tried to get up too soon. She sat up the day after her baby was born and everyone telling her not to. She did so many risky things, besides. She has been in bed for three weeks already.

I have started a tatting class of girls. They came yesterday for the first time, about ten in all, I believe.

I have been intending to tell you that the Stixruds and we are on the best of terms and everything is as if nothing had ever been between us. I hope the next letter will be more newsy and interesting. I want to tell you all about my house as it's going to be so pretty. Was glad to hear from Daddy. Where did you get Rosalee? I do not remember her. Hope you will send a copy of the last set of pictures to the ones you sent the first one to. They are all better than the first, I think. We have been getting your letters I am sure. Be sure and be prompt every two weeks or we will miss a plane every once in a while. I am in good health these days--am not fat but never will be that in Congo. I am perfectly content to stay as long as I am not sick. Why will Aunt Nennie stay at the new building? No, we do not get all packages by air. If they are insured they may come that way. If you get my silk stockings, get the best quality and good quality for Max, too.

I heard at one time it was best not to send packages by mail out here, but we have already gotten a big package from Montgomery Ward ordered since we reached Lusambo, so we feel that they are safe.

Love to all,


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