Luebo Nov. 1st, 1925
Dearest homefolks:
Things are going much better with us than when I wrote last. Max did not have to take another course of treatment as we had expected. He did not have abscesses from the hypodermics that were threatening then, and he is really fat again--weighs almost 22 Ibs. and continues to gain. And of course since he is better I am better, too. I was in very poor health at Lusambo and got down to 93 lbs. To tell the truth, I was ready to go home at once. But I began to get better as soon as I got to Mutoto and now I weigh 96, a very good weight for me in Congo. I feel fine and Dr. Stix finds no malaria in my blood. Max has had malaria, however, and I have been giving him a course of quinine. I do not give him quinine all the time, and I myself take very little. Lusambo is a very unhealthy place and I am certainly glad to get back to Luebo. No one that has stayed long at Lusambo has come away in good health. Not many get as bad trouble as Max got, though.
Now the good news is that we are back at Luebo in our own house and getting ready to keep house. Our dishes and cooking utensils are still at Lusambo and we will not get them until the Lapsley can bring them about 2 months from now, but we find there is enough in the Magazine to begin on, and what I can't get there, the other ladies are going to
help me with. Miss Black who has been living in part of our house moves tomorrow, but we will not begin for a few days until our trunks come in from over land containing some things that we need in the way of linens.
We have been staying with Rowena (for meals, I mean) and they are to go on the road next Tuesday. We are invited to Jean's (Mrs. Shives) from there. Jean is expecting a new addition in a few months and they are both very much pleased. There are several other babies expected soon. Mrs. Savels already has hers--a boy born during mission meeting. Mary is expecting every day now. Mrs. Daumery is also expecting. They have resigned the Lapsley and are to take our place at Lusambo. Mr. Watt, a new man, is to take the Lapsley after 8 months. Mr. Wilds is his teacher. Mrs. Gilliam and Mrs. Cleveland are also expecting. There are over 50 children already on our mission.
There have been and are still to be many changes in our house since we last lived in it. I hope some day to draw you a plan of it. Two big changes that are still to be in the near future are a tin roof and glass windows. We are going to be very comfortably fixed after two or three months. Stegalls are leaving on a month's vacation and after that they begin on our house again.
I am planning on having some flowers and have already started my rose garden and planted some touch-me-not-seed. I have some flowers that I started at Lusambo but they may not reach here safely. Rowena is giving me some.
It is so very hard for me to write letters these days. I guess I have just gotten out of the habit. When everything gets settled again, I hope to write everyone I know??-also that letter to the Enterprise that you asked me to write, but everything is the same old things this term so I don't think I can make it interesting to other people.
The air-plane came in this morning and the mail is to close in a few minutes, sol must say goodbye. Am hoping to get a nice long letter from you or maybe two. your letters have been coming very regUlarly.
Love to all,
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