Lusambo, Sept. 4, 1925
Dear Folks:
Just a few lines, although it is already about bed time. Dorothy is feeding Max, which always happens about 9:00 P. M., after which we retire. He hardly ever disturbs us after that, as he nearly always falls asleep immediately. His big thing now is walking; he gets around quite well, and can carry things about; he has a broom that he likes to "tote." And he also has gotten so big that he can reach on the table and grab things near the edge--especially dishes and other breakables.
Dorothy was writing about the "Texas"; this is the small steamer belonging to M.E.C.M. (Southern Methodists). They only operate between Lusambo and Kabengele, which is on a small tributary of the Sankuru, and near their main station, Wambo Nyama. Occasionally they go to Kinshasa for repairs, but it takes nearly a month from Kin to Lusambo, whereas the "Lapsley" takes about 16 days. We expect the "Lapsley" here shortly after the middle of this month; they left Kin on the 2nd. inst. , as we had a telegram from Kin today about some of the M.E.C.M. folks who are coming up on it. The Daumerys have all their goods stored here; they arrived at Kin on June 22nd, but have not yet been able to get here, so you may know they are anxious to come.
We are having a rather quiet time just now, and enjoy it, altho we are also glad to see folks when they come, as they don't come often. The "Texas" ought to be here about the last of next week, as Dorothy wrote you, also some members from Mutoto for the meeting of that Committee.
We are sending you the negatives, and ask that you send us a copy of each, or perhaps two copies of the best ones. I believe a couple of the pictures of Max are fine.
This time next month, we hope to be about ready to leave for Luebo.
With love to all.
B. M.
This letter is being sent via Capetown, South Africa.
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