Luebo, Africa
April 10, 1922
Dearest Homefolks:
Your three last letters came today, and Oh! I was so glad to get them. One of them contained only the clipping from the Terrell paper with the pictures of some of my old schoolmates in it. Certainly was glad to get it. I suppose Virgie is a sure enough grown lady now, and she has a Military Academy boy for a beau. That used to be the highest of her ambition to have one of those boys for her beau, so I suppose she is perfectly happy. Don't say anything like that to her, though; she might not like it.
I note with interest the wedding of Carroll Rutledge. Hope he is doing well, for he seems like a fairly nice boy. I suppose they will live in Dallas. I'm always glad to hear news of the Terrell folks, you know that next to the Indian Village in my heart [sic.]. I don't know so many people, at least I have no very close friends there outside the kinfolks, but I like it just the same.
I was so surprised to hear that Mrs. Porter was taking such an interest in me, for she certainly did not seem at all interested in me while I was there. I liked her older daughter very well, but there was nothing like intimacy between us. We first met at the B.Y.P.U. pretty often. Of course, don't say anything like that to Aunt Hon and Aunt Minnie, but she always seemed kind of "ofish" with me, but I never knew why. As far as her boys are concerned, I don't know which one she meant, possibly the one that was in my class. He was about fourteen years old, toe-headed--white headed I mean and as ugly as "homemade sin." She had a very good looking boy who graduated in John's class, but I can't remember ever so much as speaking to him. I can hear some people say, well she did not have to speak to him; she might have flirted with him, but I didn't flirt with everybody in Terrell as "some" people thought. I was not an angel, I know, but I wasn't near as bad as you all thought I was. That's enough on that subject. I hope you will continue to like Mrs. Porter, as she can certainly give you a nice time, I imagine. They have such a lovely home, they say, but I've only been there at night, so I couldn't tell very much about it.
Stella wrote me of Edd's plan to go to school in Port Arthur and I wondered if he and Dedie had not kind of broken off. But I notice you don't seem to think so. I can't seem to convince myself that he wants to marry her when he could do so much better, it seems to me. O! well, that isn't my business, and it far from worries me., I hardly ever think to those people out there except Stella. I got a letter from Dedye D. a good while ago which I should answer, I suppose, but I have so many other that are more important and mean so much more to me that I don't know when I'll answer it. I get such nice sweet letters from Lucile, Evelyn, Eva, and Stella. She was praising Douglas to the skies, well I just feel that B. M. deserves so much more praise, but don't feel like doing it in a letter to her. Trying to surpass when there is no comparison. I did not notice that you had not been mailing your letters at Pinckney. I'm kind of sorry, as I'm afraid we have run things into the ground. Perhaps they are not as bad at Kiam as we thought for a while.
I find that it is not at all certain that Mrs. Martin is coming back out here. If she does, she is not likely to stay more than a year or so, they say she never has and has been out here three times. I have not played for church in a long time and never when I can get out of it, so don't say anything to Mr. Martin about that if you see him. They have appointed me, but I have never acted.
I don't want you all to think B. M. and I are extravagant, we live cheaper than anyone on our station except the Stegalls and as cheap I believe as they. We have plenty to eat, but a lot of it comes out of the garden and living is just cheaper out here.
Give my love to everybody please. This is just to acknowledge your letter. Want to write another soon.
Seems that I can ramble on and on without saying a thing. This is a "bum" letter. Dot