Sunday, February 15, 2009

Congo (7) Brussels, Belgium, 10/31/1920 [DCS]

Brussels, Oct. 31st, 1920

Dear Mother and Father:

Only a few minutes before supper, but I’m going to start your letter now. We are talking of going out to Waterloo tomorrow if it is not too cold, and that will mean another day gone and no letter to you. It has been real cold the last few days, but we have kept very comfortable. Kemp and Rowena have both been sick and we have been letting them sleep in our room, and we sleep in theirs. They certainly have a cold room; however, we don’t expect to be here much longer.

Mrs. Rhine (our friend we met on the Caronia) is in Brussels now and came to see us this morning. We were so glad to see her again; they are to travel nearly all over Europe.


Quite a skip, but we have been so busy again this week, have been shopping and this takes up lots of time. B.M. is having a suit made at the tailors, a khaki suit, and I am having me a khaki skirt made. We can’t get what we want ready made. I have gotten several more tablecloths, three mercerized and one cotton. Got three scarfs for the dresser and small table cloths yesterday. The dresser scarf is hand made here in Belgium, and I think it is very pretty indeed. The others are not hand made but are linen and real nice.

Rowena and I went out to see Mrs. Clark (Mr. and Mrs. Clark are missionaries to the Congo also, but to a different part of the Congo) yesterday. She happened to, what might have been a very bad accident the other day, she was carrying a tray of tea, cakes, etc., up the steps, and at the top her foot slipped and she slid clear to the bottom. She burned herself a little and bruised her leg considerably, but otherwise she is alright so far as they can tell. They are expecting a visitor about the last of December or the first of January, so you see the fright was as bad as anything.

Mr. Gilliam, one of our missionaries who came over with the Bedingers, is coming in from England this evening and we are going to the station to meet him. He is to study here for some months.

My vaccination is almost well now, one of the scabs came off this morning. The scar will be about as big as a dime, I suppose. I’m glad it’s over with now, but I certainly did dread having it done. From what they say, it would have been dangerous to go out yonder without it.

Must close, will write more later.

Love to all,


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